Fiestas en Rías Baixas

Rías Baixas Fest

Rías Baixas Fest

A series of festivals offering music, food and entertainment surrounded by stunning landscapes

Rías Baixas Fest Pontevedra Provincia is a brand created by the Deputación de Pontevedra (Provincial Council of Pontevedra)  to promote a series of music festivals that offer not only high-quality music, but also tourist experiences aimed at making Rías Baixas-Pontevedra Provincia a major cultural and entertaining destination.

Rías Baixas Fest 2024

Currently, it brings together seven major festivals held throughout the province of Pontevedra: PortAmérica (in Caldas de Reis and Portas), O Marisquiño (in Vigo), Sinsal Son Estrella Galicia (in San Simón Island, in Redondela), SonRías Baixas (in Bueu), Vive Nigrán (in Nigrán), and Atlantic Fest and Revenidas (both in Vilagarcía de Arousa).

    SonRías Baixas
    Atlantic Fest
    Sinsal SON Estrella Galicia
    Nathy Peluso (Vive Nigrán)

What makes the Rías Baixas Fest different?

These festivals have become a benchmark for music, food and leisure. In stunning venues, the public enjoys the best bands and artists, dishes made by excellent chefs and a wide range of entertaining activities. These are internationally renowned events, which attract tens of thousands of people and are an integral part of the Rías Baixas-Pontevedra Provincia destination.

What is their aim?

The aim of Rías Baixas Fest is to boost the local music festivals that contribute to promote tourism in the province of Pontevedra, so as to make As Rías Baixas a benchmark destination both nationally and internationally. This aim is aligned with the goals of sustainability, responsible tourism, equality and the SDGs of the United Nations.

In addition, Rías Baixas Fest develops planning and management tools in order to strengthen the collaboration with the promoters of these events. 

Rías Baixas Fest contribute to make the destination known to visitors from other parts of Galicia, Spain and worldwide, offering the most attractive experiences for the different times of the year.


The brand Rías Baixas Fest Pontevedra Provincia brings together festivals that combine music and tourist experiences and that meet the following criteria:

To have recorded a large number of people at the festivals
To have a great impact on social media 
To be involved in the development of the tourism promotion strategy
To participate in the promotion and dissemination actions organised by the Diputación de Pontevedra linked to the festivals held in this province.
To collaborate in the actions aimed at promoting the exchange of information that may be relevant for the Service of Tourism.